Hope’s Horizons Recovery Residence

Banning, CA

Hope’s Horizons was created to give the women coming out of our treatment program a place to go to further build their foundation of recovery from substance use disorders. At Hope’s Horizons, the newly recovering woman will find continued support and a safe, clean, healthy environment to continue on their journey of recovery, finding gainful employment and becoming a productive member of their community and society at large.

The 6-bed Recovery Residence provides all the comforts of home while the resident need only provide their food and hygiene items. Referrals are through the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health – Substance Abuse and Prevention Treatment Program.

Hope’s Horizons is open to any recovering woman who has completed a minimum 45-day treatment program. Hope’s Horizons is a CCAPP certified Recovery Residence. We are held to the highest standards and are inspected annually by CCAPP and RUHS-BH-SAPT.

In general, we have found that the women transitioning from residential treatment to structured Recovery Residence have a better change of maintaining long-term recovery. This is due to the continued support of both the treatment program and the Recovery Residence.

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